LINK Vaccine Injury Compensation Program: Fatality after Gardasil NOVEMBER 11, 2015 BY ADMIN 6 COMMENTS By Norma Erickson Gardasil®-related fatal myocardial infarction in a teenage boy – case filed in United States Court of Federal Claims Office of Special Masters. Gomez versus USDOH: Petition No. 15-0160V1 filed by the Roberts Law Firm of Newport Beach, … Continue reading
LINK Family of “Perfectly Healthy” 9-Year-Old Girl Claims Flu Shot Paralyzed Her Brianna Browning, 9, was a healthy young girl at the beginning of October of this year. However, following a flu shot that was administered to her on October 15, she began to experience debilitating effects within just a few hours. Now her Southeast … Continue reading
Recent Rise in Vaccine Victims’ Court Decisions and Concessions Not Reflected in Revised Government Chart Sharyl Attkisson LINK is dead Info Wars NewsMax RestoringLiberty LINK
Two landmark events – a government concession in the US Vaccine Court, and a groundbreaking scientific paper – confirm that physician, scientist, and Autism Media Channel [AMC] Director, Dr. Andrew Wakefield, and the parents were right all along. In a recently published December 13, 2012 vaccine court ruling, hundreds of thousands of dollars were awarded … Continue reading
Unless you live in a cave and have NO access to television or the internet, you’ve likely been exposed to the Measles Mania that has swept America. Facebook, Twitter, online news site comment sections…everywhere you look, people are launching into hysterical tirades and internet battles about vaccines, “evil anti-vaxxers”, and fear-mongering. Some people are so … Continue reading