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The US Government Has Paid out $3 Billion to Vaccine-Injured Americans Since 1989

Unless you live in a cave and have NO access to television or the internet, you’ve likely been exposed to the Measles Mania that has swept America.

Facebook, Twitter, online news site comment sections…everywhere you look, people are launching into hysterical tirades and internet battles about vaccines, “evil anti-vaxxers”, and fear-mongering.

Some people are so whipped up into a frenzy over those who don’t vaccinate that they are calling for those people to be sued or jailed. Even more disturbing? Some are saying they hope anti-vaxxers’ children die of a communicable disease.

It’s like a modern-day witch hunt.

The anger is strong, and it is infectious (pardon the pun).

And mainstream news sites and politicians are fueling the fire.

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, both potential Republican presidential candidates, have stated publicly that parents should have a say in which vaccines their children receive.

Hillary Clinton and President Obama are both saying that vaccines are safe, and that all children should be vaccinated, which is in stark contrast to comments each made in 2008:

– See more at: https://www.thedailysheeple.com/government-has-paid-out-3-billion-to-vaccine-injured-americans-since-1989_022015#sthash.JB2aPtd3.dpuf



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