Measles Spread by the Vaccinated: Vaccines may be a Greater Danger than You Ever Knew! by Dr. Robert Rowen Excerpts: Worried about measles? If you are vaccinated, you should be. If you are my age, and were lucky enough to get wild measles, you needn’t worry at all. Measles has been quite stubborn to be wiped … Continue reading
Measles Outbreak January 2015 Greetings! Many of you know, there has been a recent measles outbreak in the United States. We want to take this opportunity to provide additional information for all of our patients. So as not to frighten you, but raise realistic … Continue reading
entropy-14-02227 Abstract: Autism is a condition characterized by impaired cognitive and social skills, associated with compromised immune function. The incidence is alarmingly on the rise, and environmental factors are increasingly suspected to play a role. This paper investigates word frequency patterns in the U.S. CDC Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) database. Our results provide … Continue reading