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My CRYSTAL Clear Stance on Vaccines (which aren’t immunizations)


Clarification needs to be created regarding VACCINATION vs. IMMUNIZATION.  I’m all for immunization.  The problem created by media and pharmaceutical influence is that people equate immunization with vaccination.  Vaccination is simply injecting something into your body.  This does not create immunity for your body.  These are 2 totally separate entities.

Another thing that urks me is my ‘mom’s’ comments about me leaving out stuff and therefore destroying my credibility.   I would like to add I make ZERO money off of this blog.  I may book some speaking gigs from it but those revenues will come nowhere near the $20 BILLION per year the makers of vaccines cherish.  Who do you think has more weight on their shoulders to hide information?  Huh, mom?  Huh?

With building immunity, it’s a natural process.  With that natural process, your body uses many defenses.  The first layer of defense is your skin.  This blocks out any harmful opportunistic buggers.  With a vaccine, this law of nature is totally bypassed by injecting you with a needle full of stuff your skin would never allow past it.

You also have a respiratory system that also aids in defense.  You cough, you sneeze, and you blow your nose, in attempt to expel the potential invader.  Coughing, sneezing, and snorting are results of your immune system working.  Don’t suppress it with fever reducers, anti-histamines, etc.  You’re just making it easier for the invader.

You also have your gut-associated lymph system to fight with the stronger stuff.  If your system is so deficient to get past these natural defenses,  the potential invader, live or dead, enters the blood stream.  Once something is in your blood stream, it can be transported any anywhere in your body, not good at all.  It’s like open bar at a chiropractic convention.

A vaccine violates all laws of natural immune defenses by taking a potential pathogen along with all the TOXIC ingredients (aluminum, formaldehyde, adjuvants, etc) directly into your blood system.  This process would never occur in building natural immunity.  That last sentence is kind of an oxy-moron.  Immunity is a natural thing.  Vaccines are an artificial thing.



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