
Immune System

This tag is associated with 2 posts

GcMAF, Nagalase and the Immune System

LINK GcMAF, Nagalase and the Immune System TOPICS:Catherine FrompovichVaccines August 16, 2015 By Catherine J. Frompovich This blog will be short and to the point, since the important information is to be heard in the link that discusses the researcher’s theory as to why some very prominent doctors have left the planet recently. Doctors Jeff … Continue reading »

How Vaccinations Affect the Developing Immune System

LINK How Vaccinations Affect the Developing Immune System   The purpose of vaccinations is to introduce a pathogen (i.e. virus, bacteria, etc.) to the immune system so that a person can develop immunity to the pathogen without having to experience disease. So how do vaccines work if they do not cause the disease they are … Continue reading »